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Selasa, 14 Juni 2016


Lunge saw the suicide bomber or terrorist, who had no fear at all face death, you must be wondering what the underlying intention that they would willingly sacrifice themselves. These reasons should be well known to the public, what reasons that underlie them, so that the public can prevent and avoid them if offered a similar motif. Most people assume that it was because of false doctrines implanted executioner and it is able to brainwash anyone. Really like that? there is also a thought that this is because they've been hypnotized in such a way that they have lost control over himself? Is it true? If true, then we wonder what the contents of that doctrine. Which makes a person want to perform actions such deliberate disappearance of his own life for the sake of a group of people. Here's his review.


Youngsters idealistic, nationalistic and think logically is an easy target for recruiters hardline Islamic associations ISIS class, why? because in them the seeds are already fighting spirit and rebellious, very like invited debate and the critical questions that make them easy in hasut, their spirit like the super heroes of the defenders of truth that are ready to help anyone. But before they realized that what they were doing was wrong, at the beginning they were also the same as in general, do not know anything, the science of religion is little or it could be science they are too deep, the understanding of the nation is also low and only because in the push curiosity high, then lured also a sense of nationalist passionate, when put ideology that makes sense according to their logic, namely that there is a lot of economic disparities that should not happen, that there are errors understanding of religious teachings in society distorted and no cheating system corrupt governments that do not be fair and so on, then succed doctrine to defend the religion and the state invested. That with them to join this community soon they will get the glory in his side. That one day they will be included in the class of jihadists who are privileged because they sacrifice their lives to religion and nation, that this group is also very concerned about the welfare of its members, there will be a reward for hard work and sacrifice, and so on until they are in a conscious state declared themselves to join because they think the purpose of life and afterlife world is reached, they will strive to uphold justice alongside all sudaranya that the purpose of enforcing Islamic law Shari'a compliant version of them.


Nationalist ideology, Who says they do not have love for the homeland, just the opposite sense to defend the country they are very high, just because it was in the contents of the doctrine that the rulers in power are corrupt and unjust or already foreign controlled, economic disparities are very keen never in fix, that country this was built with the capitalist system and so forth ad Antichrist, so they be called to fix the chaos of the country ... act as defenders of truth, he said ... if you ask how much their love to this nation, the answer is very big, this is the lesson of love the most powerful country invested in this community if we compare it with that instilled in school.

The extent where school children expressed themselves loved his country, namely the extent of his knowledge of the Constitution alone basis. In contrast to the sense of love of country that taught this community, even someone willing his life and his family floated to defend and improve this nation. That form of love of the real state according to them, not just the state symbols only. The various actions that they are doing is based on the love for the homeland is very high, they are a way to feel how miserable most people are in the hands of tyranny ruling hedonists, but the common people can not do anything, take it for granted. So they want to come forward to make a significant contribution that they could make the state comply with their actions. They wanted to show the public that they are willing to sacrifice themselves for the sake of the peace of others. They had no idea that what they are doing is wrong, because the positive side of humanity they are already covered lust, which can not wait abstinence to establish the truth according to Islamic Shari'a which rahmatan lil Alamin. They've been in a rage culminated, viewed only from their side only and the dark clouds have covered their hearts of the mercy of Allah.


For those real forms carry out relief work right is the path of jihad, because they regard the authorities in this country has been included in group karif to be combated. They considered all-lackey lackey apparatus is immoral to be destroyed, because it perpetuates the system of government that apostates and infidels as well as the many different ways they see all things are evils that must be addressed. They no longer could see that Allah had already bless all Muslims without exception. However the circumstances today there was a mix of Allah in it, and Allah too many leave his gifts in this country. Let's say you think about it, have you ever imagine such a large their fighting spirit in the field. And is used as a foundation they perform a series of actions and attacks in various places.

They saw the ruling goes beyond the limits and think it's time to be eradicated in a way which they call the fight against taghouts (tyrant). This is why they are so eager to do a series of terror, because the fire rage that burned in their breasts so could not see the other side. And this is what is feared ruler, if this ideology such a massive spread in the community, the government itself will handle the many hassles of treason in the community.

If only for this government not being corrupt and unjust in its people, perhaps the seeds of this rebellion will not grow rapidly. Because basically the Indonesian society is very tolerant and respect the principle of the state Pancasila, an Indonesian citizen understands that although different they must assume all are brothers united, and therefore when they are confronted with the fact that what the government has actually been injured sense of unity and unity, they instantly turn into enemies of the government itself.


young man with a mindset like this is a lot of numbers, in this country of 250 million people, if there is 10 percent of young people who have a national trait of such high this means there are how many people each year could be recruited and victimized. Why be a victim? Because if they commit a new dangerous action or just huddled together, and then suddenly come Detachment 88 troops raided their house on the grounds were plotting terror then fired and killed on the spot. Just try to imagine, how many young people who died at the hands of officers each year as a result of the assault charges. Though they may still be aware of his mistake, or maybe they do not need to be the target of bullets officials over allegations unsubstantiated. And is not this also violates the Law on Human Rights, which already eliminates a person's life for no apparent reason. The Law on Terrorism today is on the way back in the House and the plan will be revised to follow the needs of the Police Department to better facilitate further the prevention process, thus will fall more and more victims of young people in the future, and on whose interests the legislation is needed ?


in America and europe alone they are also overwhelmed by the many young people are leaving to join ISIS and declared war on the ruling government. Young people educated and literate, willing to join not just for economic reasons but for other reasons. These young kids are usually just know Islam and they are looking for identity. So when browsing on the internet they see Islam from the other side turned out to be willing to take action to challenge, they are so encouraged to do new things they think are cool. Reasons to join was also due to the lure of pleasure can have sex free other also a motivating factor. Then the pe reason to join is because they've promised to establish an Islamic state based purely khilafiah system. But unfortunately it was just part of the trick recruitment course, those ideals will never materialize. So overall motif of each person is different when it declared themselves to join, depending on the circumstances of each, not all economically motivated, there is also because of nationalist sentiment, a sense of brotherhood, the reason for a reply in the next, looking for a moment's pleasure, and so on.


individualist and nationalist Then from where this heroic attitude grew and rooted in the psyche of young people? yes from different spectacle western origin that are all themed singles champ to defend the truth. All spectacle box office from his home country America we do not realize there are already successfully brainwash our children to want to do the same thing, willing to challenge death. We all are not aware that the spectacle it has developed high-nationalist ideology that leads flavor individualist, while a little knowledge of the science of religion, the fact that economic conditions profanity and when it is applied in real life they found was the concept of fighting Jihad. That what is taught in the same religion with what they see on the screen, then formed the mindset that leads to an understanding radikalism fighting in the jihad is the best. So this is what happened. In the embrace of his followers are still common, it is preferred in this community those are the things that are very logical and tactical, all there is arithmetic-calculation, and very systematic, thinking they are actually very simple but precise target .... it makes them strong in character, not to mention the added lure of paradise, that in the lives of unbelievers it will be given in exchange for 72 angel heaven ... wah increasingly passionate martial spirit of the country, as if they ready to die anytime ... if you discuss with them, then within 24 hours you can also hypnotized by his invitation, because they've been so unanimous determination and convinced by his actions, yes it is because that is controlled is the logical mature thinking patterns, strong and undisputed.


then how to prevent doctrine in the spread of the Saxon radical that not more people joining the group, in accordance core doctrine set forth above, then the eraser one must understand the following things this;

1. if it relates to the state system; we need to remember that this country is enormous, in terms of area and population, Indonesia is a country that at the beginning of his administration stands already many foreign interference in it, then it is only natural that to this day it still feels strong influence. Indonesia has also been ruled by a dictator for 32 years, and the fact that it is not easy to rule a country with a population of the fifth largest in the world with heterogeneous her culture and the religion as well as various cultural diversity, at least the current government has also been trying to improve various errors and shortcomings in society, improve welfare are evenly distributed throughout the region. Be patient and believe that this country still requires a long process on track to country safe and prosperous, while we also contribute in the development.

2. If related to the Doctrine of Jihad in religion; Islam does oblige a Muslim to wage war and take up arms, of course, if the country was in a state of war or being colonized and oppressed. In fact it's Indonesia was not in a state of war otherwise be one of the safest countries in the Muslim world. That is no reason for a Muslim declares himself at war and jihad and jihad considers efforts in order to combat the infidel rule can be justified. Jihad is right in the middle of conducive conditions like this is jihad fighting the passions themselves in the patience and tawadhu to Allah.

3. If the rewards associated with heaven; in this case must be only of Allah alone knows what will be accepted at any of His servants later, related his deeds, no one can be sure. If indeed the intention fully to find heaven, then it should be the fastest to reach heaven is to do good for others and menebaran beauty ukhuah Islamiah by peaceful means and not instead to make his victim of the suicide bombings or terror, of course it was not justified in religion .

4. If related to corrupt and despotic leaders; then hand over the affairs to Allah swt, every leader will be requested accountable for any acts of horns, a very heavy the punishment for those who do not carry out the mandate, and only Allaah alone is entitled to assess whether he is a leader taghouts or not. We as ordinary people were assigned to maintain the harmony of life values, however, because the origin of the election of a leader to a class of human beings is based on the actions and behavior of society, if people acted well and was patient in maintaining life, then Allaah will choose a good leader too trustful , otherwise if the people are to be damaging and destroying the values ​​of life, God will choose leaders who are harder cruel.

5. If it relates to the flow mashab hard to justify Jihad; so it's good we just kind thought to God Almighty, that on what has happened in this country then it is on interference from Him, He is All-Knowing and none other than the incident was there any interference from him. Besides suffering accepted by most people in this country is not Allaah also always bestow gifts and blessings to all of us, we should not deny that. So let us not be easily provoked and invited sin, because it ended up going back again ourselves, destroying a generation due to the wrong mindset. However rebellious attitude and considers carry out terror is wrong. We need to fortify ourselves with the advanced attitude of patience and tawadhu to Allaah swt. There is no other choice, all people living anywhere in the world must have had a problem, depending on how we it's absolutely just.

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