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Selasa, 19 Januari 2016


Who does not know where it comes from is actually ISIS, ISIS was indeed lie with the United States share Israel to defame Muslims worldwide. Authorities in Saudi Arabia have also released that ISIS is formed by the US and Israel. Then what is the motive of the United States and Israel have? As we all know that in recent years the growth of Islamic religions has increased dramatically in many countries, and can not even be contained but had already done previously through the propaganda of Islamic militants in the stretcher Osama Bin Laden with various acts of terror.

People are increasingly islam the widening and the United States see this is a big threat, because the United States is the bearer of the Christian religion and Judaism israel is the bearer of all countries. Both consider it necessary to make a breakthrough in order to stem the rapid flow of non-Muslim religious movement to divide the Muslims by Muslims themselves, therefore they established Al Qaeda clones that have the same concept but their power is much more powerful than before, the country ISIS based in Syria.

And what motive do they use? Their main target is targeted at private individuals within individual young people who are still in the learning stage, they do not understand the concept of ultimate meaning and true teachings of Islam, they looking for identity and so on. This method is considered effective because of the unstable situation like this people who know little religious knowledge would be very easy and shallow in doctrine and in the fall with a variety of deviant teachings that are not in accordance with the Islamic faith. Because they do not know what is right and wrong, they follow only what is commanded his predecessor. Therefore a lot of young people who are tempted by the blandishments of these groups, because in addition they also promising heaven is promised to earn a decent living and so on.

With this aggressive way, increasingly more young people have joined with the nationalist spirit high in ISIS and they struggled to reach the promised land by reason of jihad and so on. They became part of a terrorist group in question. Then what kind of fighters ISIS's profile in the eyes of Western powers? The concept of apostasy committed by the Muslims themselves were very neat and tidy person can not know where it comes from this idea.

A simple illustration is easy, if you ever watch a Hollywood film in which there is the end of the war between humans and zombies, like Will Smith in the film titled "I Am Legend" or the movie "Resident Evil" or the movie "Underwold" and various genres of film Similarly, there is described by them that, man will fight with a half-monster that has been contaminated with harmful toxins. Human monster they call zombies will rule the world and make human lives ravaged by various terror that they scatter. Films like this are very many in the community, we just do not understand that the concept of human zombie monster is actually a human concept they were developing together with ISIS.

Zombies in films that depicted the human form who have already contracted such a deadly disease, there is a leader, his team, it is no longer curable, the disease is chronic, and it can infect healthy people with just a nip , these zombies can not be killed, but it will bounce back with greater numbers and behavior can not be predicted, he lived only to prey on humans around or even eat a friend and brother, he comes to terrify people living, and Contaminated make people became his disciple, wherever he goes and everyone will feel threatened.

This is the image of a person in the group of ISIS, as now, they were like hypnotized by the teachings offered through the doctrine radikalism, it can not distinguish between right and wrong, act only according emotions and desires revolt, murder with full awareness and not matter what the consequences embossed, kill another human being blindly, they have become zombies as illustration man who had no soul consciousness again, just think about the interests of the group and the objective of capturing the world in their own way.

America has done a lot of scientific studies about this and they are already successfully implemented this doctrine by chance Islam also had a concept, the match goals and objectives makes this group into a zombie who feared throughout any country in the world managed to be horrible and most hated figure. The message conveyed in films themed zombie is received only by the world community as an element of entertainment, when in fact it is part of the plot they want to control the mind set us that we were being taken in the direction of war as what they wanted in the film.

In conclusion , which distinguishes the human figure with a human zombie terrorists is they both have a body, only the difference between the zombies human body conditions that have been destroyed as well as the soul, while the human body is still intact condition terrorists but the soul has been destroyed. Therefore we will be hard to distinguish them by other normal human being because it views them the same but their ideology is different.

So here we are now able to know that the very important role of the science of religion in our lives in the future, especially for our children, because there are many people who are interested want to destroy a variety of ways, not again we learn the science of religion is only half or not the experts, it is very dangerous. Then why Allah give this test to the Muslims in the world, the answer is because it is a differentiator or to create a clear boundary between true Islam and Islam distorted. Islam so that people can already tell which brother and where not. Thus in future Islam will grow perfectly.

With this event back again we must learn to understand Islam more deeply and more powerful than ever. Nothing is far more valuable than science useful. Hopefully this can help us understand whom you meant by terrorists here, we become more aware and cautious again in the mix and in community. Smarter again choose which friends and opponents. This monster half human concept is designed so that no more people are thought convert to Islam, due to Islam has been accused of being the culprit of the recent global turmoil, when in fact hidden behind their mission of controlling the population of Muslims. So do not again carry Islamic terrorists in the discussion, since it has absolutely nothing incommon ...

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