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Rabu, 13 Januari 2016


Agnes Mo reap sensation again, in an event music performance held an anniversary event 21 national private television station Indosiar January 11 last, an actress named Agnes Mo makes the audience's eyes widened with her clothes. Bottom of transparent garments, tucked into an Arabic-language word that everyone does not know the meaning and significance, and also did not understand what was meant by the word pinned in the middle of the entertainment event of the musical nuance. What really Agnez mo to seek sensation with these clothes? Is it like a regular artist controversy to seek the public's attention and make her famous? I think, we all know who Agnez, she is an easy target for haters who always faithful condemning it in social media anytime. She is an artist who also brought up his name by the haters because of various actions. And she is also an artist who really do not like the various actions haters and she is the artist who chose the path of peace to respond to the allegations slant on her. Then, if this time is also carried out actions of their own volition? Do Agnez not think about the impact that will be incurred for this action. She was of course already take into account the enormous risks that will be in receipt with this action. But why would she dare take the risk? Is it true that it was done for the sake of promotion, or are there other parties who want it to appear in public with specific purposes? Therefore, this session will explore the other side of the conflict is present, so that we understand what is going on.

Some of the questions that arise in the community?

Posts speaking Arabic in the garment worn Agnez mo on stage is Al Muttahidah or United and that in Indonesia it is united. Really destination pinned the word in the context of unity? united between what is and what elements? then why should the Arabic language instead of Mandarin, for example? And if in the end the impact generated is rain bully in social media? whether the united goal has been reached? because in the end what happens is the split?

Then, if true, far-away Agnez flew in from America just for the condemnation of the haters? With all the consequences clothing worn controversy, she will be able annoyed all that assumption and assume his actions did not violate the rules and will not disappoint others. Because what word meaning unity. And what about the clothing worn transparent? would not that also means not respect the symbol of the unity itself. Meaning of words blur together here and showed no inclination want unity.

Is it that simple goal? There must be a veiled meaning behind it all. Let us digest together. Arabic language word seems to refer to all Muslims, and media that is used to wrote the word is threadbare material throughout the body that refers to the value of freedom alive, taken together it means "Muslims united in freedom." Or would like to invite Muslims to live more freely, free scantily clad for example, as shown in the stage at the time.

When the MUI spoke that what Agnez not violate the rules of religion, it is true, because it does not contain elements of defamation in mashab and creed. It was just a regular calligraphy symbols. Here the community is getting more confused by that statement, because it means that the MUI had to justify what was done Agnez co. And Agnez considered innocent. If so, then who is to blame? Yes this is the ultimate goal, create chaos in the public opinion, and the opinion was finally slammed on religion. Then there was the crux of which are ultimately lead to the opinion that Agnez is a victim.

As we know, Agnez this is the artist that he multitalented who is keen-hardly go international, now she has settled in America in order to promote herself as a star who wants to be aligned with Hollywood artists such as Taylor Swift, Ariana Grande and Adele. She efforts already crossed the globe and some of this year has not produced results, even now confuse the Indonesian people themselves that this Agnez more sides of the controversy over his work worldwide. Start of zoom on a stage like eccentric, also the dark side of his personality and news like mutually exchange pairs in the media to blow up excessively. In the past Agnez also never collide with the Acehnese people related to the use Saman dance choreography. The people is no longer see Agnez this talented artist who has works of international standard, as is already generated artist hollywood others, instead she only class artist whose rich sensation.

Then what is true today Agnez it was difficult to find sponsors class jet zet could be further catapulted his name into the surface so that it will be accepted by the international public. Strong sponsorship usual big-name catapulted Agnez who embraced this now appears to be more like choosing a shortcut, that is by making the action of controversy. It is true that in this way, she will get the public's attention, and shelled out by the media. But unfortunately, this is precisely the kind of publications such as destroying his reputation in the eyes of their own fans. Should Agnez concentrate made ​​works super international scale that can be enjoyed many people, not trying to come up with a million question marks.

We have seen other examples that already exist today, Anggun C Sasmi, she is also an international artist who has lived in France, indeed in the stage action never make controversy, just sometimes it is in the sense of clothing shortages. But look at the words are flung in social media, even if the ID card she put Islamic religion but her words always insulting Islam, even once blasphemous and judge Islam. And what happens with his music career in Indonesia at this time, are no longer appreciate it as a musician, but no more than a regular entertainer. Yes like this is the consequence so internasinal artists should want to ruin Islam if he wants to thank the community in inetrnasonal. Not easy if you want to be an actress a world scale, in addition must have a good work must also be willing to sacrifice a lot, including the sacrifice of the soul.

What Agnez mo do today the same, she was playing in the murky water, it is a moment will make it the butt, but he finally come to the fore as a clean fish. Look at what happened after the action stage some time ago, the cold war and rowdy in social media showed that the Mission Agnez in making chaotic public opinion have already managed to lift herself as a party that does not need to be at blame, blame only people who think negatively, blame the people who orthodox and just blame the organizers, sponsors and so forth blame alone. This noise will end on Agnez acts and public justification to question the independence of the MUI fatwa. Yes indeed is the purpose of the mission, noise and distrust of public institutions that houses the religious field. You realize that we have successfully brought into the vortex problem intentionally created by the Agnez mo to make the chaotic and increasingly low trust in the MUI.

Then what is the main mission behind this mess? Al Muttahid meaning of the word, which means it actually means the opposite united whose purpose is to divide and create chaos. What evidence is there, yes as is the case today, because the words are united, it is precisely what happens is conflicting, mutually blasphemy, mutual contempt and bully each other. The ultimate goal is the opposite of unity itself, and this mission was considered successful by most people, because a lot of controversy among supporters even been brought isntitusi religious as well.

So Beware brother, there is Hand of God (Illuminati hand) playing in behind all of this. Not just a thrill to be achieved but also the opinion of chaos and degrading religious values. Should not be affected, and making the situation chaotic, if you do not want to enter in a vicious circle they are making, then you should silence and restraint. Now we already know that Agnes Monica is Illuminati agents who are making plans conspiracy disrupt our way of thinking. There is no other purpose than they would benefit from the chaos that we are currently facing. The more chaotic public opinion, the more successful he becomes the winner. Therefore, hold yourself to say much less blasphemous, let it go and just ignore all the news and actions. Nothing needs to respond to and preached. -

1 komentar:

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    Arab clothes



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